Sunday, October 12, 2008

Proposal Form

Proposal Form:

I have chosen my brief to be sixth formers and the stereotype of a sixth former. I have chosen this particular brief as I am myself a sixth former, thus I can relate on a more personal level with the aims and roles concerning my brief. I also have access to many others of the same age, again making it a lot more personal and accurate for validity. The core audience I am planning to target would be young adults who have decided to continue their education into sixth form. In this way, my magazine must contain articles and styles of which the core audience would appreciate, especially as the audience I have chosen will have specific tastes and genres to acknowledge.
My working title for this magazine so far is “tlk out” which targets my audience specifically, as this generation can read and speak in what is commonly known as “text language” and in many aspects, young adults relate such a way of speaking to a close and intimate emotion of friendship and trust, which helps attract my core target audience to my magazine. The idea of “talk out” is also suggesting that the magazine will be written as a down to earth and interesting magazine, not a “boring” or “unnecessary” document.
My mission statement is the following:
“your stereotypical sixth former can be described with one word. Indescribable. This is the part of your life where you make the decisions, where you’re the boss- don’t waste the opportunity! Read this down-to-earth magazine for the latest real life stories and gossip that happens in your very own common room, learn untold mysteries, urban legends of the teachers and the rules of the A-Level classroom and find out your own way to success.”
My mission statement is designed to give a sense of authority and status to the audience through recognition and praise. Through the art of suggestion, I have engineered my mission statement to attract the reader into trusting upon the magazine to explore parts of school life that have yet to be looked at, adding a sense of enigmatic excitement to an informative magazine.
The lifestyle of the magazine will mainly promote success in individuality. The magazine wont just suggest high grades and good attendance, but will offer new windows for readers to gain insight onto the career world and how it works. In this way, the magazine will be educational. In another sense, the magazine will bring comical relief to an otherwise busy and stressful sixth former’s life through gossip and quirky life stories given by teachers and students alike.
I plan to style the cover as very explosive, with a photo of a sixth former pulling a zany and excited face, which suggests an aura of originality and freshness to the magazine. Using bright colours, I will position the masthead to be hidden behind the model’s head, focussing attention onto the main image. I will surround this image with smaller lines engrossing the student into the other stories that are featured.
The model will be alex kurzweil as he pulls a heck of a funny zany face. Seriously. Check it out. I will follow the rule of three colours, using three bright colours to again promote the idea of freshness.
Some examples of magazine content includes a few insider stories involving sixth formers getting into mischief, along with driving lessons and drink driving safety. There will be a section revolving around money and budgeting, too, with hints and tips of how to hold onto savings.
Some examples of language for the front cover could be adjectives that are simplistic and dynamic, such as “exciting!” and “amazing!”- this will achieve the aspect of intriguing the audience. I have chosen not to use more intelligent words as I wish for this magazine to be an easy read and would not want to deter the audience by using more intellectual words on the front cover.
This magazine will differ from others in one main way- this magazine will be chosen by sixth formers for it’s respect and values. I intend for my magazine to respect the reader, acknowledging them for their role and status in the society they live in. in this way, I will make sure not to patronise, nor order the audience to partake in any of the suggestions in the magazine, it will purely be a document full of available career paths and choices available to the young adult age.

Mission Statement

My mission statement is the following:
“your stereotypical sixth former can be described with one word. Indescribable. This is the part of your life where you make the decisions, where you’re the boss- don’t waste the opportunity! Read this down-to-earth magazine for the latest real life stories and gossip that happens in your very own common room, learn untold mysteries, urban legends of the teachers and the rules of the A-Level classroom and find out your own way to success.”

Advert Analysis

The product being sold is a camera and printer duo, named “MVX25i”. The product is almost the centre of the picture, which gives it an immediate significance over all other elements of what is included.
The two people in the ad are male and look like they are in there late 20’s. They look middle classed because they are wearing quite common, informal clothes that the average person of today would wear, which suggests comfort and relaxation.
The two men are laughing which could indicate friendship and positivity towards the product. The men are looking at the product, signifying their interest in it and the product’s dominance over everything else in their surroundings.
The two men are positioned intimately close to each other, suggesting their friendship, which again can give positive connotations to the product that is being advertised.
The advert is set in the middle of the countryside, with the men’s’ clothes covered in mud, suggesting a camping activity trip. This suggests an aura of freedom and freshness with can be tied to the product subconsciously. The still photography shows the men and the product as in focus, with the background out of focus, this averts the audiences’ eyes to the situation and the product.
The situation that is happening in the picture is completely in focus, with all insignificant aspects out of focus, this can be directly related to the product as it boasts a 2.2 mega pixel CCD.
The photo is taken in natural light, which follows the theme of the situation taking place in the countryside, and if a high key or low key lighting were to be used, the photo would look out of place.
The photo is taken as a mid-long of the men; this focuses the audience’s attention on the people and the product.
The audience’s eyes are drawn to three separate and equally significant aspects within the photo. The men as they laugh and point at the product, the actual product itself and the description at the bottom of the advert.
The image has been cropped, allowing for the description and specification of the product to be given as an out of context and almost separate advert.

*******photo soon to come, you have it miss!!*******

Magazine Cover Analysis


Blocked out by the character’s head, means it’s a well known magazine as they don’t need to advertise their name.

Coverlines and selling line:

All in theme colours of the main picture and story

Main image:

Man and woman posing, adds mystery and attraction to mag. Well known character of Half Life which brings more reputation.


The institution for this mag is Future.


Small in comparison, which suggests designers wanted to emphasise the main image and coverlines.